Audi 30: the works of art of a SZE student decorate Liszt Ferenc Airport

thelandofaudi20.jpgA master's student in graphic design from Széchenyi István University won the competition to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of Audi Hungaria Zrt., so from now on, Kiss Bence’s artwork will decorate the interior of eight passenger boarding bridges of Liszt Ferenc International Airport. The young graphic artist with his people-centred work won the first place in a strong field.

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SZEnergy presented its racing car: SZE’s team has prepared for the racing season

7f5c56_141862747acc4f6682461ffe6c56a5ea~mv2.jpegIt was an unforgettable event when last summer the SZEnergy Team won Europe’s biggest energy efficiency car race with a world record. The team is competing in this year’s Shell-Eco Marathon where they are preparing to defend their title in the traditional urban concept category and are aiming at finishing on top in the autonomous category after finishing second last year. The student team of Széchenyi István University presented their developments and unveiled this year’s car at the institution. They are soon travelling to France where they are participating in the autonomous competition on 19th May.

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Around the world on a scholarship: associate professor of SzE conducts research in the US and Europe

Dr. László Lendvai, a lecturer at Széchenyi István University, has been conducting research in the USA through Fulbright scholarship which is one of the world's most prestigious scholarships, and in Slovakia and Italy thanks to two other top scholarships. His reasearch is on specific sustainability topics such as degradable plastics, natural rubber and the 3D printability of electrically insulating but thermally conductive materials. Meanwhile, at home in Hungary he has been elected a member of the Academy of Young Scientists.

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SzE offers quality in e-sports to students

sze-offers-quality-in-e-sports-to-students.webpE-sport is becoming increasingly popular at Széchenyi István University, thanks to the fact that the institution's sports club has a special division for e-sport enthusiasts. Students can practice in a modern classroom, where they can even complete the compulsory physical education course.

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International Moot Court Competition: The space law team of SZE is among the bests of Europe

Providing outstanding performance, the team of the Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law at Széchenyi István University competed against students from the continent's most reputable law schools offering courses in law for outer space in the "Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition”, which is an international competition on giving oral arguments in the field of space law. The University of Győr has been successfully performing at this prestigious competition for years.

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SZE has entered into partnership with the Institute of Urban Sciences of the University of Seoul

sze-has-entered-into-partnership-with-the-institute-of-urban-sciences-of-the-university-of-seoul (4).webpThe Vehicle Research Centre of Széchenyi István University and the Institute of Urban Sciences of the University of Seoul have concluded a cooperation agreement. As a result of this joint researches, publications, exchange visits can help the two institutions to further develop in the future.

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Global forum at SZE: focus on digital transformation and sustainability

7f5c56_4b5ac03fb0da4724b7e4fa0a32ea1b45~mv2.webpApproximately 200 participants attended the two-day conference organised within the framework of the Regional University Network - European University (RUN-EU) consortium at Széchenyi István University. The aim of the programme was to discuss common development strategies, action plans and to make suggestions which contribute to the management of regional, national and European-level mechanisms, digital transformation and environmental sustainability and to the implementation of circular economy.

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Topping out ceremony at ZalaZONE: another milestone in the developments of SZE

image1.jpgIn parallel with the developments of one of the most modern automatic test tracks in the world, the ZalaZONE Park of the Széchenyi István University marked another milestone with hosting the topping out ceremony of the building of lecture halls in the science and innovation park. The investment is being funded by a HUF 543.3 million non-reimbursable grant from the European Union’s Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme, and is going to further improve the institution's position in the field of training.

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The construction of the Science and Innovation Park of SZE in Győr has reached its final stage

image4.jpgThe last glass panel has been put in place on the facade of the Science and Innovation Park of Széchenyi István University in Győr, which is being built only 500 metres from the central campus on the former site of the Győr Biscuit and Waffle Factory. The institution held an inter-project tour to show the current status of the development, which is being funded by a HUF 6 billion 766 million non-refundable EU grant under the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme. The university intends to to stimulate the development of the region through the innovation park by building on its main research areas.  

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Jakab Réka, an alumna of SZE is on her way to professional success on four rings

With two of her four higher education qualifications from Széchenyi István University, Jakab Réka believes in life-long learning and authentic ocmmunication. Audi Hungaria means more than just a workplace for her. She is building her career with continuous professional curiosity, knowledge-based, practice-oriented trainings, passing a football. And the appreciation of the profession has already come. In the Hungarian Car of the Year competition, the jury unanimously awarded her the prize of the PR Professional of the Year 2023.

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Creativity and innovation the focus of SZE’s panel discussions series

image4.jpgOrganised by Széchenyi István University and held at its Budapest Innovation and Training Centre, a series of panel discussions, entitled Women in Family, Science and Society is in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. At the latest event, speakers discussed the international World Day of Creativity and Innovation.

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RUN-EU: SZE hosts leaders and students from eight universities

Group photo of participants at the main entrance of Széchenyi István University (Photo: Csaba József Májer)Széchenyi István University was host to the Presidents’ Meeting, the Management Committee Meeting and the Research Students' Week of the Regional University Network - European University (RUN-EU) from 25 to 28 April. The event brought together young people from eight countries to participate in short training programmes on the topical issues of digitalisation, sustainability and social innovation.

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The University Days of SZE opened the festival season – and we enjoyed it

Széchenyi István University had a sensational weekend: the most popular performers of the country followed each other in a row on the stage of the Bridge Student and Teacher Club. On Friday Beton.Hofi and Azahriah rocked the audience, and on Saturday the festival ended with an astonishing performance of the Bagossy Brothers Company. In this article, we find out what makes the Széchenyi University Days different from other festivals, and we also look at what makes SZEN an unforgettable experience for the students.

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SzE: autonomous robotic vehicles programmed by competing students at ZalaZONE

7f5c56_5488243f5af44ddfb10bdd5969e8a98d_mv2.jpgSzéchenyi István University organised an autonomous robotic competition for secondary school students to familiarise them with the technical and IT challenges associated with self-driving vehicles by using computer simulations and small mobile robot platforms. Following the online round, the best teams competed at the Zalaegerszeg Innovation and Training Centre of the university.

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Dr. Katalin Völgyi, lecturer at Széchenyi István University, has passed away

7f5c56_80470618aa294765a9bb57b6c23fc1c4_mv2.pngKatalin Völgyi, PhD in economics, associate professor, lecturer of the Department of International and Applied Economics at Széchenyi István University, passed away at the age of 41.

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Handover: the Smart Farm of Széchenyi University in Mosonmagyaróvár serves sustainability

0f29ed_61287e5c33b848758d486b117a959786_mv2.jpgWithin the framework of the 9.966 billion HUF GINOP-3.1.1-VEKOP-15-2016-00001 priority project, the Smart Farm of Széchenyi István University in Mosonmagyaróvár was completed and inaugurated on 21 April.The development contributes to the institution's modern training, research and service activities by incorporating the technological elements necessary for digital agriculture and precision farming, while keeping sustainability in mind. The gross amount of the Smart Farm's construction and equipment acquisition was HUF 951.04 million.

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If April, then SZEN! Let’s get the party started – a week of festivals at the university!

7f5c56_d4908c73786e49fcb1ae1e53c22c4a95_mv2.jpgThis week has been even busier than usual at Széchenyi István University, as the biggest student event of the spring semester, the Széchenyi University Days, has begun. The event, which runs from 19 to 22 April, features sports programmes, games and performances, but the main focus will be on entertainment, with performances by Azahriah, Beton.Hofi, Dzsúdló and the Bagossy Brothers Company, and many more.

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Students of the English-language MBA programme of SZE held a meeting to start a tradition

At the end of the English language dual-degree programme of Széchenyi István University and the American University of Rhode Island students will receive the degrees from both institutions. The members of the first year graduated last year but they are still in touch with each other. Moreover, they organised a joint programme with the current students in order to start a tradition, further build the community and help the participants of the programme by sharing their experience.

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SZEnergy: the student racing team of SZE is among the best ones in the world again

Following the success of the previous year, the SZEnergy Team student team of Széchenyi István University has made another major international achievement: it won second place in the 2023 Shell Eco-marathon Autonomous Programming Competition. The competition was held online, so applications were taken from student teams of any universities of the world among which the team of Győr performed outstandingly well again.

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Experts from the Petz Hospital in Győr and Széchenyi University presented the surgical robot

experts-from-the-petz-hospital-in-gyor-and-szechenyi-university-presented-the-surgical-robot (1).jpgThe Da Vinci surgical robot was presented to the staff of the Petz Aladár University Teaching Hospital in Győr at a professional programme organised by the institution and the experts of Széchenyi István University. The aim is to make this state-of-the-art surgical procedure available in Győr in the future, benefiting both patients and doctors.

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Bálint Kovács, a student of SZE, prepared for the 24 Hours of Le Mans motorcycle race
balint-kovacs-a-student-of-sze-prepared-for-the-24-hours-of-le-mans-motorcycle-race (2).webpThe H-Moto Team rider has put the finishing touches to his preparation as the member of the Slovakian Maco Racing Team in Le Mans, France, where the 2023 World Endurance Championship kicks off this weekend with the legendary 24 Hours of Le Mans. The 21-year-old rider and his team are ready for the EWC World Championship race that starts on 15 April.
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Ambassador of the Netherlands to Hungary learned about SZE’s development

ambassador-of-the-netherlands-to-hungary-learned-about-sze-s-development.jpgThe Ambassador of the Netherlands to Hungary, Désirée Bonis, praised the significant development of Széchenyi István University during her visit to the institution. The diplomat was delighted to hear that Széchenyi University is also working closely with the Dutch NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences as part of a consortium.

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SZE conference builds a strong connection between students and companies

sze-conference-builds-a-strong-connection-between-students-and-companies.jpgGet together with students from different universities, put them in mixed teams, solve a problem given by an industrial company in three days and present it to a jury of academics - that's what the International Student Conference on Mechanical Engineering is all about. However, the event is much more than just a competition: it connects companies from the Western Transdanubian region with students, gives insight into real projects and forges a real community. The student-initiated conference, held for the fifteenth time this year, is set to reach a new milestone next year, with the addition of electrical engineering and IT to the range of participants, in line with current industry challenges.

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At SZE, 36th National Scientific Students' Conference opened with uplifting ceremony

image1.jpgThe 36th National Scientific Students' Conference (NSC), the most important forum for student talent management, and its Section for Law and Political Sciences opened with a ceremony at the National Theatre in Győr. The latter is being hosted by Széchenyi István University for the second time since 2005, with almost 300 young people presenting their work to the judges over three days.

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SZE hosts EU ambassadors at ZalaZONE

unnamed (18).pngSzéchenyi István University has hosted the ambassadors of the European Union Member States accredited to Hungary at ZalaZONE, Europe's most modern proving ground for the automotive industry. At the event, the institution presented how its modern infrastructure contributes to future-oriented research and development.

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Women’s and youth careers the focus of SZE’s mini-conference

7f5c56_99a35e47c7cf42ea938a0a879bc8eb0c_mv2.webpIn line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, a series of mini-conferences organised by Széchenyi István University will focus on gender equality. The latest event, linked to the European Year of Skills, focused on labour market opportunities for women and young people and lifelong learning.

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Digital Higher Education: closing conference of the OECD project was hosted by Széchenyi University

As a leading institution in the field of digitalisation, Széchenyi István University hosted the closing conference of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) project on improving the quality of digital higher education in Hungary. At the event, it was announced that the government plans to further increase the flexibility and responsiveness of higher education.

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Ambassador of United Arab Emirates to Hungary visits SZE

The strengthening of educational and research relations was also discussed at a meeting held at Széchenyi István University by Saud Al-Samsi, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Hungary. During his programme, the Ambassador gave a lecture to students and visited the castle of the Albert Kázmér Mosonmagyaróvár Faculty of Law.

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SZE: the Audi Development Camp returns with even more professional challenges

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The Audi Development Camp, the summer bootcamp of Széchenyi István University of Győr and Audi Hungaria, will bring even more professional challenges in 2023. The English-language camp will provide project-based training for Hungarian and international students to teach motivated, hard-working and challenge-seeking students how to get the most out of their careers.


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Israel's Ambassador to Hungary learns about the development of SZE

unnamed (14).jpgYacov Hadas-Handelsman, Israel's Ambassador to Hungary at Széchenyi István University, spoke about Israel's geopolitical strategy. During his stay, the diplomat visited the former synagogue housing the University’s Faculty of Arts and the concert hall of the institution, and also attended the annual economic opening of the Győr-Moson-Sopron County Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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