Dr. Hajdu-Smahó Melinda

Leading the way in wage increases - This year's compensation could exceed ten percent in Győr-Moson-Sopron and Komárom-Esztergom counties (contributing as an expert)


According to the Hungarian Central Statistical Office data 2023, wages increased the most in Győr-Moson-Sopron county (18.7%), while Komárom-Esztergom county saw a 15.2% growth. However, the sectoral analysis shows a decline in wages in the manufacturing sector, which has been hit by the crisis in Hungary and across Europe. Basic materials, batteries, and automobiles were the most affected sectors, but construction, retail trade, transport, hotels, and restaurants were also among the vulnerable branches. However, in the first quarter of 2024, there were significant wage increases in the public sector, affecting teachers, vocational trainers, nursery teachers, health workers, police, and military personnel. This trend will also pull up wages in the private sector: 60% of firms expect a pay rise this year, mainly large companies employing manual workers. There is a big fight for workers in the retail sector, resulting in wage increases of 10-21% in the first months of 2024. Three-quarters of domestic companies are motivated to raise wages to retain workers, and one-third to attract skilled workers.


Jenő Kontschán

Aphids on ferns


Relatively few species of aphids are presented about ferns, so far only two species have been found in Hungary. The black fern aphid (Idiopterus nephrelepidis) is found in ferns in greenhouses and apartments, while the red-eyed fern aphid (Amphorophora ampullata) is reported on ferns planted in gardens. The article at the link below reports on the characteristic morphology of the two species and the symptoms they cause on ferns (in Hungarian).


Levente Vörös, Rita Ábrahám

Entomopathogene nematodes (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) application against the larvae of western corn rootworn (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera)

BIOKULTÚRA (2022) 33: 6, 21-23.

Maize, along with wheat and rice, is the most important cereal crop of mankind. The world's sown area is 140-160 million hectares, and in Hungary it is the largest crop grown, which, together with wheat, accounts for 50% of our arable land. The crop management and the plant protection easy and it is a highly profitable crop from an economic point of view, so in most cases farmers prefer to grow it in monoculture. In maize growing, in addition to appropriate agrotechnical procedures (tillage, nutrient supply, crop density, weed control), the control of western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) is becoming more and more challenging. The western corn rootworm has become one of the most important maize pests nowadays, so it has a great influence on both the quantity and quality of the emerging crop.




Var Square 2, H-9200 Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary